Groundwork Collective

Monday, November 27, 2006

Repression, Class Battles and Struggles for Indigenous RIghts

Discussion of the most recent events in Mexico

Presentations will feature eyewitness reports and analysis of the rapidly developing situation in Mexico (like the defeat of the police attack on the University in Oaxaca City, and the most recent repression against the protesters this past Saturday, where there have been several killed and dissapeared, and where almost two hundred protesters were arrested for defending their rights).

Speaker: Jan Norden, editor, The Internationalist

M O N D A Y D E C E M B E R 4, 5:00PM
U C S D, 0323 Student Center, La Jolla CA 92037

Info: (858)452-9625

Monday, November 06, 2006



This past Thursday November 2nd, more than 2,000 armed agents of the Federal Police (PFP), along with Military Police, Special Forces, State Police, local police in civilian clothing,PRI paramilitaries, riot tanks, spy planes and helicopters, tried to give a devastating blow to strikers in Oaxaca, where there have been more than 20 people killed, 62 dissapeared and many arrested for fighting for their rights; but they did not count with the organization and courage of the workers of city and countryside, who after more than 7 hours of hard struggle, using molotov cocktails, rocks, and anything they had at hand, made the repressive forces of the State retreat, causing them a humiliating defeat in battle. THE STRIKERS SHOWED THAT THE GOVERNMENT CAN AND SHOULD BE DEFEATED. It was an important victory against the government of Fox and his successor Calderon who had been calling for repression for several months; It was a victory against the murderer Ulises Ruiz (governor of Oaxaca), but we should be ready for the counterattack, the struggle is not over.
The demands of Oaxaca strikers are just, but they should not end with the achievement of pay raises or the ouster of Ulises Ruiz, their struggle should be one of the expropiation of the expropiators, an anticapitalist struggle that ends the root cause of the problem which is a class divided society based on private property (capitalism). It is our job in Tijuana to overthrow Major Hank and Governor Elorduy, to extend the struggle to the U.S. working class to overthrow the bourgeoisie and their representatives in the Republican, and Democratic parties, having no illusions in the other bourgeois parties like the Greens.
At this moment it is URGENT TO OBTAIN NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY against murderous repression. IT'S TIME TO ORGANIZE A NATIONAL STRIKE, against the ruling class on November 20, for SELF-DEFENSE WORKER GROUPS, WORKER COUNCILS, and a clear struggle to break with the popular front (class collaborationist) around the opportunist Lopez Obrador.
Down with all bourgeois parties (PRI/PAN/PRD).


El pasado jueves 2 de Noviembre, mas de 2,000 agentes armados de la Policia Federal Preventiva (PFP) junto con la Policia Militar, Fuerzas Especiales, Policias Estatales y Municipales vestidos de civil, tanquetas, aviones espias y dos helicopteros, buscaron dar un golpe demoledor a la APPO y a los huelguistas de Oaxaca, donde ya hay mas de 20 asesinados, 62 desaparecidos y decenas de arrestados; pero no contaron con que los trabajadores de la ciudad y del campo estan bien organizados y son valientes; despues de mas de 7 horas de luchar con bombas molotov, cohetones, varillas y piedras en contra de las fuerzas del Estado asesino Los Huelguistas de OAXACA TRIUNFARON EN ESTA BATALLA, MOSTRARON QUE EL GOBIERNO PUEDE Y DEBE SER DERROTADO. Fue una victoria contundente en contra del gobierno de Fox y de su sucesor Calderon que ha estado llamando por la represion por algunos meses; fue una victoria tambien en contra del asesino Ulises Ruiz quien es el gobernador de Oaxaca; Pero no se debe bajar la guardia, hay que estar preparados para el contraataque.
Las demandas de los trabajadores de Oaxaca son justas, pero no deben quedar en aumentos salariales o en la salida de Ulises Ruiz, debe ser una lucha anticapitalista por expropiar a los expropiadores, por acabar con la propiedad privada que es la raiz del problema. A aquellos que estan en Tijuana les toca derrocar a los Ulises Ruiz locales como Hank y Elorduy. Buscar extender la lucha a los Estados Unidos hasta derrocar a la burguesia y sus partidos en el poder (Republicanos-Democratas). En este momento URGE LA SOLIDARIDAD NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL frente a la represion asesina. Ahora debemos organizar una HUELGA NACIONAL que inicie el 20 de Noviembre, por la formacion de GRUPOS DE AUTODEFENSA OBRERA, Consejos Obreros, y por romper con el frente popular (colaboracionista de clase) alrdedor de Lopez Obrador. Abajo todos los partidos burgueses (PRI/PAN/PRD).


Sunday, May 28, 2006

It's on the news everyday, immigration reform, racist vigilantes, immigrant rights...

M O N D A Y J U N E 5 th, 5:00pm
At Groundwork Bookstore (o323 Student Center, UCSD)
Members of the Internationalist Group (N.Y.) will be giving a presentation on the present debate over immigrant rights.

For more information call: (858)452-9625
or e-mail:

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Televisa, TV Azteca, y demás medios de (des)información mienten sobre Atenco, no te dejes engañar, conoce la verdad

Tenemos que ponerle un alto a este gobierno traidor, mentiroso, corrupto y asesino. Si no lo hacemos nosotros, los de abajo, no lo hará nadie.
En la mina de Pasta de Conchos, en Coahuila, hoy están olvidados los cuerpos de 65 mineros, cuyas muertes fueron causadas por la negligencia del gobierno y por las inhumanas condiciones de trabajo en las que laboran y que hoy sufren también millones de obreros en todo el país.
Después de este crimen, el gobierno panista de Vicente Fox, junto con el perredista de Michoacán asesinaron con sus policías armados a al menos otros 2 mineros de Sicartsa, e hirieron de bala a muchos más. Estas agresiones anunciaron una guerra desde el poder contra todos los que, a lo largo y ancho del país, se niegan a bajar la cabeza, y defienden con firmeza lo poco que nos queda, frente al despojo de los capitalistas.
La brutalidad policíaca, las agresiones, los golpes, el linchamiento mediático de los medios de comunicación lamebotas de los poderosos, el encarcelamiento y el asesinato de que fuimos objeto los habitantes del Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra, los pasados 3 y 4 de mayo, es parte de esta guerra que el gobierno ha reforzado despiadadamente contra el pueblo y organizaciones sociales que resisten, para que ellos puedan avanzar en más arrebatos de nuestros derechos, de los recursos naturales de la nación, dejando para los de abajo más trabajadores en la calle, más estudiantes sin escuela, más gente obligada a emigrar a Estados Unidos, todo para el beneficio de unos cuantos magnates, corruptos y ladrones.
Pretenden ocultar que fueron tratados los niños, las mujeres y los ancianos de Atenco. Quieren que nadie sepa cómo asesinaron de un tiro a un joven de tan sólo 14 años de edad y ahora pretenden hacer creer que fue gente del FPDT, cuando es bien sabido que para defendernos nosotros jamás hemos utilizado un arma de fuego. Intentan impedir que el pueblo sepa que varios policías, violaron a las mujeres detenidas. Ellos callan que aparte de los presos políticos, que ya suman más de 200, tenemos decenas de desaparecidos, que sabemos la policía se llevó, pero que no presentan en ningún lado.
Por eso cada quien debe decidir qué lugar va a ocupar en esta pelea. Intereses oscuros los de las mafias partidistas, los del gobierno de Vicente Fox, de Peña Nieto priistas y de las administraciones perredistas municipales de Atenco y Texcoco, que provocaron este conflicto y no tienen la menor intención de solucionar.
Queremos que comprendan y compartan nuestra indignación, no tenemos a quién recurrir más que a ustedes, nuestro pueblo. Necesitamos sus manos, su voz, en este momento que se encuentran más de 200 presos, hospitalizados-presos y desaparecidos, de diferentes comunidades y organizaciones sociales. Sólo con su apoyo podremos arrancarles la libertad de nuestros compañeros, a este gobierno carcelero y violador. Tierra, libertad, trabajo, salud, educación y vivienda para todos, eso y nada más es lo que defendemos, esos son nuestros intereses y ningún otro. Es por ello que el pueblo entero debe unirse y luchar, estar codo con codo con los que son los suyos: los de abajo.

¡Libertad a todos nuestros presos políticos!
¡Presentación inmediata y en buen estado de los desaparecidos!
¡Fuera todas las fuerzas represivas de San Salvador Atenco!
¡Cese del hostigamiento, los cateos y las aprehensiones!

Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra de San Salvador Atenco
La Otra Campaña en Tijuana 622-42-69 Célula ComunistArte-Mundial y Permanente

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Protest at the Mexican Consulate Thursday May 4th, 2006

On Wednesday May 3rd the Mexican state decided to take off its "democratic" mask and reveal itself in its true colors as the brutal dictatorship of the rich, of the bourgeoisie and foreign capital. The Municipal government of the so-called "center left" PRD of Texcoco, in collaboration with the state government of the PRI, and the federal government of the PAN, brutally attacked a group of flower producers and their supporters of the town of Atenco, in the State of Mexico, because they wanted to sell their products at a market that was sold to become a Wal-Mart. The leadership of the Atenco movement has been brutally beaten and incarcerated along with hundreds of their supporters, several have been killed. The revolutionary workers of Atenco are very well known for their resistance movement against the construction of an airport on their lands. They are part of the Mexican revolutionary vanguard along with the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), so we as revolutionaries consider it to be our duty to act in defense of our class brothers.Protest at the Mexican Consulate in Downtown San Diego, 3:00pm
An Injury Against One is AN Injury Against All!!
Down with bourgeois parties: PAN/PRI/PRD!
For Workers Power!

Protest at the Mexican Consulate Thursday May 4th, 2006

On Wednesday May 3rd the Mexican state decided to take off its "democratic" mas and reveal itself in its true colors as the brutal dictatorship of the rich, of the bourgeoisie and foreign capital. The Municipal government of the so-called "center left" PRD of Texcoco, in collaboration with the state government of the PAN, brutally attacked a group of flower producers and their supporters of the town of Atenco, in the State of Mexico, because they wanted to sell their products at a market that was sold to become a Wal-Mart. The leadership of the Atenco movement has been brutally beaten and incarcerated along with hundreds of their supporters, several have been killed. The revolutionary workers of Atenco are very well known for their resistance movement against the construction of an airport on their lands. They are part of the Mexican revolutionary vanguard along with the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), so we as revolutionaries consider it to be our duty to act in defense of our class brothers.
Protest at the Mexican Consulate in Downtown San Diego, 3:00pm

An Injury Against One is AN Injury Against All!!
Down with bourgeois parties: PAN/PRI/PRD!
For Workers Power!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


The Zapatista Army of National Liberation has declared a Red Alert. It asks from any of its supporters to gather in protest towards the attacks of the PRI/PRD/PAN government that killed several comrades from San Salvador Atenco, and incarcerated its leadership.

We will gather at the Mexican consulate in Downtown San Diego Thursday at 3pm.

On Friday May 5th we will protest outside the PGR (federal pig building in Rio Tijuana Zone).

Groundwork Political Collective

Groundwork Study Group

We will discuss on Thursday May 4th, at 6:30pm, at Groundwork Bookstore, UCSD

Engels' Socialism: Utopian and Scientific

Friday, April 28, 2006


The conscious working class struggles against the HR 4437 law, and also against the McCain-Kennedy bill promoted by the Democrats and their allies. This law would double the amount of INS agents, it would fine undocumented workers with thousands of dollars, and it would create a subclass of “temporary workers” with no rights under the law; these new “braceros” would be deported after losing their jobs.
The conscious working class is not fooled by the Democrats, because it knows that they were the ones who intensified the attacks against us and implemented Operation Gatekeeper with the support of the Republicans, what has produced the deaths of thousands of immigrant workers.
The conscious working class is not deceived by the church, because we know that they seek to keep us within bourgeois legality, to limit ourselves to voting for one exploiter or another, and to avoid organizing the struggle for our rights. We know that our only allies are the workers of all ethnic groups here in the U.S., as well as our class brothers who struggle in other countries.
The conscious working class does not wave the “star spangled banner” because we know its history and its present; It is not only dripping with the blood of the people of Iraq, but it was created with the blood of the native peoples of this continent, with the sweat and lives of millions of black slaves, and through the super exploitation of millions of immigrants workers. We also don’t wave the Mexican flag, because it would mean “national unity” with the Mexican exploiters that murder miners in the states of Coahuila and Michoacan, as well as the indigenous people of Chiapas. The rich and their government were the ones who made us leave this country to flee from hunger and poverty.
The conscious working class does not wave the flag of any other country, because they represent the puppet dictatorships under the leadership of the U.S. which are disguised as democracies; These flags divide those who struggle; the working class has no fatherland, and we will only have one until we govern ourselves; this is why this May Day we will wave the Red Flag of Internationalism; the Red Flag of the Workers of the World.
The conscious working class does not beg for amnesty, because it would mean begging for forgiveness for a crime that we never committed. We are not criminals, we are workers and we have dignity, and we fight for nothing less than full citizenship rights for all immigrants, now!
The conscious working class knows that those who murder the people of Iraq are the same people that provoke racist attacks from the government and from murderous groups like the “Minutemen”. Historically imperialist wars have been accompanied by attacks against immigrants; from Puerto Rico and the Philippines, to World War II and Vietnam, we have always been scapegoated for all the problems generated by the depredations of the rich. That is why the conscious working class and their allies struggle to defeat imperialist war and defends the people of Iraq.

For Workers’ Strikes against the War!
Break with all bourgeois parties! Down with the Democrats!
The Workers Struggle has No Borders!
For Workers Power!
For International Socialism!